【IELTS】Listening Course (Academic): Listening Skill Intensive Class IELTS 聆聽課程(學術模式):聆聽技巧精讀班

【IELTS】Listening Course (Academic): Listening Skill Intensive Class IELTS 聆聽課程(學術模式):聆聽技巧精讀班


【Course Content 課程內容】

This course is complete with step-by-step instructions for all parts of the IELTS Academic Listening section and is intended for anyone preparing for IELTS. This course includes detailed video instructions and resource material for additional study and reference.

本課程為 IELTS 學術模式聆聽 (Academic Listening) 教學,逐步拆解考試細節。教學方式及課程內容適合所有應考 IELTS 人士。課程包含詳細的影片說明及額外參考資料。

【Tactics and Reproducible Strategies 實用應試技巧】

The course is instructed in a way that is mindful of everyone’s varied English proficiency. This listening class focuses on tactics and reproducible strategies to get students listening right away, no matter their current English level.


【Accessible Lesson Format 簡單易明的教學】

Despite the accessible lesson format, students can rest assured that the English level taught in the course is not watered-down, and the instructor is a native English speaker.




  • 課堂筆記

# 課程配套資料將以順豐智能櫃到付形式派發,付款時請填寫智能櫃詳細地址以供寄件。


Richard Eng; 星級英語名師

Mr. Richard Eng 畢業於香港大學「應用語言學」,擁有碩士銜頭,現在香港大學攻讀博士課程,論文集中在「第二語言寫作」(Second Language Writing),研究如何令香港高中及以上程度的學生改善英文寫作。他亦擁有三十年教學經驗。
