有關 "ielts" 的課程
由 CourseZ 英文團隊為高中生準備的中一至中三級英文常規課程,針對目標考獲 5+ 同學而設。課程以語文、思維、框架、技巧為主導全面涵蓋語文、寫作知識及考試技巧。每一堂傳授您獨特的思維及技巧,以 Skill Enhancement 及試題分析,折解不同題型。所教的技巧非常中 point、有用、極 exam-oriented,唔重要唔教,重點係易記易用,考試之中亦能運用得到!! 課程配備精美筆記,被同學視為試前必修實用天書之一。內容齊全,有系統性排版,每份均有語文提升、各卷考試思維剖析、試題分類、範文示範等方便同學溫習。。
This course is complete with step-by-step instructions for all parts of the IELTS Academic Writing section and is intended for anyone preparing for IELTS. This course includes detailed video instructions, slides, and resource material for additional study and reference. The course is instructed in a way that is mindful of everyone's varied English proficiency. This writing course focuses on tactics and reproducible strategies to get students writing right away, no matter their current English level. Despite the accessible lesson format, students can rest assured that the English level taught in the course is not watered-down, and the instructor is a native English speaker. 本課程為 IELTS 學術模式寫作 (Academic Writing) 教學,逐步拆解考試細節。教學方式及課程内容適合所有應考 IELTS 人士。課程包含詳細的影片說明、簡報及額外參考資料。 本寫作課程將教授實用應試技巧及溫習策略,幫助所有能力水平的學生學習正確的寫作方式,提升寫作水平。 課程適合任何英語水平的學習人士,導師運用豐富的教學經驗及應試技巧實現無障礙課程形式,課程教授的英語水平不會因而降低。
【IELTS】Listening Course (Academic): Listening Skill Intensive Class IELTS 聆聽課程(學術模式):聆聽技巧精讀班
課程有效期: 180日
課程時間: 3小時30分鐘
This course is complete with step-by-step instructions for all parts of the IELTS Academic Listening section and is intended for anyone preparing for IELTS. This course includes detailed video instructions and resource material for additional study and reference.
無論你是 HKDSE 學制下的學生,即將應考 IELTS 或 TOEFL 的考生,大學生或在職人士,只要你有心想提升英語水平,尤其是英語文法運用,打好英文的根基,本課程絕對幫到你! 由星級補習導師 Michael Chan 精心打造的網上 Grammar 課程,涵蓋語文知識及考試技巧,讓疫情下足不出戶的你在家也能輕鬆學習英文,針對考試常見的英語詞彙及其用法,建立你對英⽂文法的敏感度。
由 CourseZ 初中教學團隊精心打造的中一中二級英文常規課程,針對初中課程而設。課程全面涵蓋語文知識及考試技巧,當中包括文法 (Grammar) 、主題詞彙 (Themed Vocabulary) 以及剖析讀、寫、聽、說四卷不同題型的答題技巧。 導師運用豐富的教學經驗及應試技巧進行簡單明瞭的教學,課程中英對照,即使同學英文底子弱亦適合,讓同學對初中英文有充足的掌握及運用,更能融會貫通靈活運用並應付更高深課程,為學生準備好迎接高中課程甚或將來。
初中生比高中生優勢就是他們還有時間去建立他們對英⽂說話的敏感度,而課程建立及強化學⽣來年英語考試的基礎應試技能,主要針對以及強化初中⽣對考試⽤到的詞彙以及其他有效⽤法。 由 CourseZ 初中教學團隊精心打造的突圍課程,課程內容主要是為了未來高中(DSE)做好最好的準備。除了本身英⽂底子的問題之外,高中⽣在 DSE 考試面對到最⼤的問題就是他們不懂得 DSE 的 Theme-based(特定主題)考試模式。因此,課程主要教授重要的考試英語詞彙 (Lexical Ability) 和幫初中⽣熟習 DSE 考試主題。課程教學模式主要以 IMMERSION 浸入式學習為主,務求引進國際學校的高質英語元素,課程內容會逐漸增加英語教學的百分比以鼓勵同學去學習外語,主要教學環節則會採⽤廣東話進⾏,絕對不會有同學聽不明白的情況出現。 課程除了包含聽、說、讀、寫這四項主項外,再加上 16 小時的 Sentence Structure ,讓同學打好基礎,於寫作上清晰、正確及自信地表達自己,於 DSE 前盡早準備。
This IELTS speaking course focuses on part 2 of the exam, every video includes the exam information and one speaking exercise. Students can find the same exam information in all videos for easy reference. Students can download course handouts from “Resources” prior to the lesson. The tutor talks about suggestions and common mistakes among local students. The second half of the video includes a speaking practice, students can record and upload their practice on our platform for comments and feedback.
無論你是 HKDSE 學制下的學生,即將應考 IELTS 或 TOEFL 的考生,大學生或在職人士,只要你有心想提升英語水平,尤其是英語文法運用,打好英文的根基,本課程絕對幫到你! 由星級補習導師 Michael Chan 精心打造的網上 Grammar 課程,涵蓋語文知識及考試技巧,讓疫情下足不出戶的你在家也能輕鬆學習英文,針對考試常見的英語詞彙及其用法,建立你對英⽂文法的敏感度。
由 CourseZ 初中教學團隊精心打造的英文常規課程,導師運用豐富的教學經驗及應試技巧進行簡單易明的教學,課程中英對照,完美銜接中一到中二課程,讓同學對英文有充足的掌握及運用,更能融會貫通靈活運用並應付更高深課程,為他日高中課程時作準備。
初中生比高中生優勢就是他們還有時間去建立他們對英⽂說話的敏感度,而課程建立及強化學⽣來年英語考試的基礎應試技能,主要針對以及強化初中⽣對考試⽤到的詞彙以及其他有效⽤法。 由 CourseZ 初中教學團隊精心打造的突圍課程,課程內容主要是為了未來高中(DSE)做好最好的準備。除了本身英⽂底子的問題之外,高中⽣在 DSE 考試面對到最⼤的問題就是他們不懂得 DSE 的 Theme-based(特定主題)考試模式。因此,課程主要教授重要的考試英語詞彙 (Lexical Ability) 和幫初中⽣熟習 DSE 考試主題。課程教學模式主要以 IMMERSION 浸入式學習為主,務求引進國際學校的高質英語元素,課程內容會逐漸增加英語教學的百分比以鼓勵同學去學習外語,主要教學環節則會採⽤廣東話進⾏,絕對不會有同學聽不明白的情況出現。 課程除了包含聽、說、讀、寫這四項主項外,再加上 16 小時的 Grammar 課程,讓同學打好基礎,於寫作上清晰、正確及自信地表達自己,於 DSE 前盡早準備。
【IELTS】 會話課程:熱門話題及應答技巧 (一堂體驗優惠) IELTS Speaking Course : Popular Topics and How to Answer Them
課程有效期: 180日
課程時間: 4小時3分鐘
This is a course that is intended to prepare speakers for the most popular types of questions asked in the IELTS speaking section and is intended for anyone preparing for IELTS. To ensure authenticity and the most accurate pronunciation, a native English speaker will be teaching this course. However, course instructions will still include Cantonese to ensure it is suitable for English learners at any level. Students can expect to learn various topics that may be asked in the oral examination and familiarize themselves with them accordingly with the exam format. Each topic will be explained in detail, with the strategy to tackle them broken down. Please note that this course also includes a submission service where the instructor will offer feedback on student video or audio submissions in addition to detailed video instructions, slides, and resource material for additional study and reference. 本課程針對IELTS會話(Speaking)考試提供常見考核問題及應試技巧,適合所有應考IELTS人士。 課程由以英語為母語的導師教授,確保發音的準確性,同時用粵語作爲輔助語言,確保所有水平的學習人士都能明白課程内容。 學生可在本課程中學習會話考試中可能出現的各種問題。導師將詳細解釋每個主題並提供應答策略,而學生能通過練習熟悉考試形式。 本課提供真人指導服務。除詳細的影片說明、簡報及額外參考資料外,學生可額外提交影片或錄音供導師評論指導。
This IELTS speaking course focuses on part 2 of the exam, every video includes the exam information and one speaking exercise. Students can find the same exam information in all videos for easy reference. Students can download course handouts from “Resources” prior to the lesson. The tutor talks about suggestions and common mistakes among local students. The second half of the video includes a speaking practice, students can record and upload their practice on our platform for comments and feedback.
由 CourseZ 初中教學團隊精心打造的中一中二級英文常規課程,針對初中課程而設。課程全面涵蓋語文知識及考試技巧,當中包括文法 (Grammar) 、主題詞彙 (Themed Vocabulary) 以及剖析讀、寫、聽、說四卷不同題型的答題技巧。 導師運用豐富的教學經驗及應試技巧進行簡單明瞭的教學,課程中英對照,即使同學英文底子弱亦適合,讓同學對初中英文有充足的掌握及運用,更能融會貫通靈活運用並應付更高深課程,為學生準備好迎接高中課程甚或將來。
【IELTS】寫作課程(學術模式):應考策略指南 (一堂體驗優惠) IELTS Writing Course (Academic): The Complete Strategy Guide
課程有效期: 180日
課程時間: 8小時43分鐘
This course is complete with step-by-step instructions for all parts of the IELTS Academic Writing section and is intended for anyone preparing for IELTS. This course includes detailed video instructions, slides, and resource material for additional study and reference. The course is instructed in a way that is mindful of everyone's varied English proficiency. This writing course focuses on tactics and reproducible strategies to get students writing right away, no matter their current English level. Despite the accessible lesson format, students can rest assured that the English level taught in the course is not watered-down, and the instructor is a native English speaker. 本課程為 IELTS 學術模式寫作 (Academic Writing) 教學,逐步拆解考試細節。教學方式及課程内容適合所有應考 IELTS 人士。課程包含詳細的影片說明、簡報及額外參考資料。 本寫作課程將教授實用應試技巧及溫習策略,幫助所有能力水平的學生學習正確的寫作方式,提升寫作水平。 課程適合任何英語水平的學習人士,導師運用豐富的教學經驗及應試技巧實現無障礙課程形式,課程教授的英語水平不會因而降低。
【IELTS】會話課程:熱門話題及應答技巧 Speaking Course : Popular Topics and How to Answer Them
課程有效期: 180日
課程時間: 4小時3分鐘
This is a course that is intended to prepare speakers for the most popular types of questions asked in the IELTS speaking section and is intended for anyone preparing for IELTS. To ensure authenticity and the most accurate pronunciation, a native English speaker will be teaching this course. However, course instructions will still include Cantonese to ensure it is suitable for English learners at any level. Students can expect to learn various topics that may be asked in the oral examination and familiarize themselves with them accordingly with the exam format. Each topic will be explained in detail, with the strategy to tackle them broken down. Please note that this course also includes a submission service where the instructor will offer feedback on student video or audio submissions in addition to detailed video instructions, slides, and resource material for additional study and reference. 本課程針對IELTS會話(Speaking)考試提供常見考核問題及應試技巧,適合所有應考IELTS人士。 課程由以英語為母語的導師教授,確保發音的準確性,同時用粵語作爲輔助語言,確保所有水平的學習人士都能明白課程内容。 學生可在本課程中學習會話考試中可能出現的各種問題。導師將詳細解釋每個主題並提供應答策略,而學生能通過練習熟悉考試形式。 本課提供真人指導服務。除詳細的影片說明、簡報及額外參考資料外,學生可額外提交影片或錄音供導師評論指導。
This course is designed to provide five related exercise and solutions of IELTS writing task 2, students can download course handouts and exercise from “Resources”. To examine the writing skills of students, students can first finish the exercise before listening to our professional comments, the tutor analyses common mistakes and provides suggestions. If you are totally ready for the practice, feel free to pause the video and write before listening to the general tips. This course also provides writing correction services, students can upload their work and receive comments by our tutor.
- 特價
- DSE 課程
- 【BIOL】中五星級 DSE 常規課程
$10,800$9,800 - 加入購物車
- 特價
- DSE 課程
- 【BIOL】中四星級 DSE 常規課程
$10,350$9,350 - 加入購物車
- Out of Stock特價
- DSE 課程
- 【CHEM】Chemanimax 系列(全集)
$1,200$0 - 加入購物車
- 特價
- DSE 課程
- 【CHEM】基礎補底必修課 (中四課題)
$6,000$4,800 - 加入購物車